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Equality fragmented Bolivia

The unhealthy obsession with which inequality is pointed out as one of the main problems to be eradicated in Bolivia has been a common currency for the different governments that have passed through the Palace, since the National Revolution of 1952, it has been imprinted in the minds of the Bolivians that the origin of all ills, poverty and underdevelopment is the consequence of a distribution of resources deliberately tilted towards the wealthy sectors, minorities, preventing the most vulnerable sectors, majorities, from taking that leap in quality and improving their standard of living.

The utopian future, where Bolivia can embrace modernity and shed the frayed and old coat of a third world country, is glimpsed from the path against inequality, material inequality, where there is the unequivocal participation of the State, with various nuances. , as a means to achieve the final objective through social programs, the universalization of minimum goods and services to standardize a minimum level of quality of life that escapes the poverty line. From the largest cities to the most remote location in the territory.

This humanist vision fits very well in unprotected sectors, because they see a real alternative that is beyond their responsibility and is delegated to a higher entity that will be in charge of worrying about its compliance, regardless of the names administered by the institutions that make up the State. , this path is endorsed by the social conquests established in history, making a permanent echo to finally be ratified generation after generation.

These types of ideas are permanently fed by the system that governs Bolivia: education through all its operators has played a role of diffusion and “self-confidence” in which the central idea of ​​victim and aggressor is reinforced throughout history. A convenient way to justify a violent response, which only seeks defense against aggression, legitimizes, by the way, since logic simply dictates that without an aggressor there is no need to respond violently.

He who has perfected the management of violence is known in the same way transcending time, the State, the names that temporarily pass through their positions of power are not very interesting. In the end, the violence is justified in exchange for achieving superior objectives, which, having the difficult task of “redistributing” the resources that were once directed towards the richest minorities in the country, used all available means to achieve this task, including violence.

Those individuals who depend on a superior entity to make decisions on their behalf, establish the parameters of morality and define the level of life to which they can aspire are definitively deprived of all the capacities to seek their life project, establish links or links with other individuals and above all understand that it is not necessary to have a consanguinity or affinity with a third party, it is enough to understand the fundamental importance of life, private property and freedom.

Lives are easily sacrificed or assumed as necessary casualties if the ultimate goal benefits the majority, it responds to those unattachable social conquests that the State capitalizes on and shapes according to the objectives of its operators in charge.

Private property, the loot that the State can always resort to to implement its redistributive policy, no matter the form, legality and morality are perfectly adjusted to tolerate these and more abuses towards “minorities”.

Freedom, the direct threat that the power of the State seeks to modulate to manageable levels, the sum of knowledge and experience on the behavior of the human being is concentrated in each one of the institutions that make up the Public Power. Social engineers in payrolls and payrolls through complex calculations and reasoning manage to define the destiny of each individual, preventing possible dangers and projecting an optimal standard of living according to their opinion. The fair, the correct, the necessary.

Although the last 17 years the system has managed to “plan” conflicts based on false flags, aiming its weapons at those “minorities” that stand in the way of the consolidation of universal equality. This is the product of an institutionalized evil since the 50s, an erroneous approach that is based on dehumanizing the individual, forcing them to live in a predetermined scheme that prevents the single act of thinking outside the system from being possible without first being marked as an enemy. of popular causes.

The country is fragmented by State Policy, indoctrination in education, the mediocrity of its leaders and their rhetoric, the fear of self-criticism and the obsession with “noble” causes that feed back and move the rusty gears of a true monstrosity. materialized from the deep Bolivian myths.

People and the mark they leave on their peers constitute the true potential and strategic resource with sufficient potential to radiate happiness from claiming life, private property and freedom; ironically the least of the priorities of those addicted to power and obsessed with inequality.

Source: Pagi Nasiete
