The Sarah Polley-directed drama “Women Talking” tells the story of women in an insular religious colony grappling with a series of sexual assaults that occurred within their Mennonite community. The film is up for Best Picture and and Polley is nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay at the 2023 Oscars.
The film, starring Rooney Mara, Claire Foy, and Frances McDormand, was adapted from the 2018 book of the same name by novelist Miriam Toews, whose fictional story was inspired by the actual events that transpired in the Mennonite community of Manitoba Colony in Bolivia.
In the novel, after a few men are arrested by police, the rest of the men of the colony leave for the city in order to secure their bail. While they are gone, the women gather to decide whether they should stay in the community and fight the men, leave the community, or do nothing.
Toews was also raised in a Mennonite town in Canada before leaving the ultraconservative religious colony when she turned 18, which helped inform her novel.
Source : Insider