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Man lost in Amazon jungle for 31 days ate worms, drank urine to survive

Jhonatan Acosta, 30, had been on a hunting trip with four friends in the Amazon rainforest but became separated from his party. What followed was a battle for survival.

A Bolivian man has described how he managed to survive for 31 days in the Amazon jungle after he got lost.

Jhonatan Acosta, 30, had been on a hunting trip with four friends in the Amazon rainforest but became separated from his party on January 25. What followed was a battle for survival.

“It helped a lot to know about survival techniques: I had to consume insects, drink my urine, eat worms,” he told a local TV station, as quoted by AFP.

Acosta was reported missing by his family at the end of January. Exactly a month later, last Saturday, he was found by search and rescue teams. He lost 17kg in weight, had a dislocated ankle and was dehydrated when he was rescued.

Acosta told Unitel it rained half the time he was lost. He used his rubber boots to collect whatever rainwater he could. But when the skies dried up, he had to drink his urine.

Apart from the elements, Acosta had to fend off attacks from wild animals also. Acosta’s sister said her brother “had to fight with a pig, which is a wild and dangerous animal”, and a tiger lurked nearby.

Acosta’s accidental adventure may well place him as one of the longest-ever lone survivors in the Amazon. But the 30-year-old said he is “very happy and grateful” to be rescued and reunited with his loved ones.

Source: indiatoday
