PremieRpet, the pioneer in developing high-quality nutrition and super premium foods for pets in Brazil, is continuing to lead the way for climate action with its recent investment in the largest solar power plant in the state of São Paulo. Located in the municipality of Castilho, this important milestone was developed through a long-term supply contract (PPA – Power Purchase Agreement) with Comerc Renew, the generation arm of the Comerc Group. This new venture makes PremieRpet the first pet food company in Brazil to adopt solar energy, a 100 percent renewable source, in all its plants.
Situated on over 1,700 acres, the Castilho Complex has five generation units and 600,000 solar energy plates – as the photovoltaic module is popularly known. Of this total, 120,000 plates will be used to supply 100 percent of the demand of PremieRpet’s four factories, located in Dourado (SP) and Porto Amazonas (PR).
The use of solar energy – or clean energy – as an alternative energy source has many advantages for the environment. Unlike traditional energy sources, it’s non-polluting and provides a reduced carbon footprint. As a renewable energy source, it’s also sustainable.
“Since its inception, PremieRpet has promoted sustainable initiatives in its operations, demonstrating its vision for a future orientated towards the preservation of the environment and well-being of society,” explained Fernando Maluf, vice president of international sales. “Now, as we adopt the use of solar energy at our plants, our company will continue to avoid emissions of up to 16,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere each year. To put this into perspective, this number is equivalent to the annual consumption of 16,000 homes with an average of four people or to the CO2 absorption of 110,000 trees for 30 years.”
For over 25 years, PremieRpet has been providing high-quality, natural nutrition to pets throughout Brazil. Its brands, Premier and Golden, paved the way for the super premium pet food category and have long been favorites among pet parents. The company recently introduced Natoo, a brand targeted towards the U.S. market and whose Crunchy Biscuits and Meal Toppers/Treats will also be produced using solar energy.
Source : Petage