Home » NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue receives Uruguay’s Canelones governor
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NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue receives Uruguay’s Canelones governor

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue received Yamadu Ramon Antonio Orsi Martinez, Governor of Uruguay’s Canelones province, on April 28 (local time), within the framework of his official visit to the country from April 26-28.

The governor briefed the NA leader on the province’s international cooperation potential and expressed his wish to further strengthen cooperation with Vietnam’s localities and the country as a whole.

Hue stressed that beside the bilateral relations in various fields, the ties between the two countries’ localities form one of the factors to further deepen the cooperation between the two countries, affirming that Vietnam is ready to open its door to welcome Uruguay’s localities, including Canelones.

He asked the governor to create favourable conditions for businesses of the two sides to exchange information and strengthen mutual understanding, and expressed his hope that the province and its businesses will help accelerate the negotiations and signing of a free trade agreement between Vietnam and MERCOSUR.

The governor said his province advocates to broaden international cooperation to attract foreign investment and hopes Vietnamese firms to invest in the locality, and affirmed to create every favourable conditions for them.

Source : Vietnam Plus
